Tom Waldron's Workshops


Effortless Weight Bearing | Working With Osteoporosis | Strengthen Your Sacroiliac Joint | Dynamic Core Control

Effortless Weight Bearing

7th June 2025


Weight bearing through the arms and hands is an uncomfortable and difficult task for many. Movement modalities like pilates and yoga include many exercises and positions where weight bearing through the arms for long periods of time is required.

The numerous health benefits of weight bearing exercises can be severely diminished when the individual is unable to comfortably and confidently support themselves in their upper limbs.

Fixing the arms in place often doesn’t work instead, we should find easy and reliable ways to dynamically align the hand, wrist and arms for effortless, pain free and confident weight bearing.


In this workshop you will learn:

  • The spiral structure of the hand and how the bones move in 3 dimensions to support the wrist, elbow and shoulder on all fours.
  • How to strengthen the arches of the hand dynamically, allowing your clients to achieve adaptive hand posture on the mat.
  • Arm exercises specifically for osteoporosis, improving wrist strength and reducing the risk of wrist fractures.
  • Inventive cues to improve weight bearing in the arms.
  • Seamlessly make upper weight bearing exercises more accessible to any client in your class.
  • Build strength and a sense of connection through the palm, wrist, elbow and shoulder myofascial sling.
  • Understand how to create a sense is suspension in your arms via the fascial system in weight bearing.
  • Empower greater levels of autonomy in those you work with in the studio.
Effortless Weight Bearing

Effortless Weight Bearing

7th June 2025


Weight bearing through the arms and hands is an uncomfortable and difficult task for many. Movement modalities like pilates and yoga include many exercises and positions where weight bearing through the arms for long periods of time is required.

The numerous health benefits of weight bearing exercises can be severely diminished when the individual is unable to comfortably and confidently support themselves in their upper limbs.

Fixing the arms in place often doesn’t work instead, we should find easy and reliable ways to dynamically align the hand, wrist and arms for effortless, pain free and confident weight bearing.

In this workshop you will learn:

  • The spiral structure of the hand and how the bones move in 3 dimensions to support the wrist, elbow and shoulder on all fours.
  • How to strengthen the arches of the hand dynamically, allowing your clients to achieve adaptive hand posture on the mat.
  • Arm exercises specifically for osteoporosis, improving wrist strength and reducing the risk of wrist fractures.
  • Inventive cues to improve weight bearing in the arms.
  • Seamlessly make upper weight bearing exercises more accessible to any client in your class.
  • Build strength and a sense of connection through the palm, wrist, elbow and shoulder myofascial sling.
  • Understand how to create a sense is suspension in your arms via the fascial system in weight bearing.
  • Empower greater levels of autonomy in those you work with in the studio.

Working With Osteoporosis

8th June 2025

Working With Osteoporosis

Bones are spiralled, viscoelastic organs that change their behaviour depending on the forces they’re exposed to. Bone strength is the ideal balance between stiffness and flexibility, which is achieved through the living and dynamic material that comprise bone tissue.

The issue is when the strength of bones diminish over time, increasing the risk of injury to the skeletal system.

The key to long term bone health is to know how to optimally engage bones in exercise through certain loading strategies. As bone is a type of connective tissue (similar to fascia), like all connective tissues they can be emphasised through certain styles of movement.

If you work with individuals that suffer with bone weakness or if you struggle with bone related issues, you’ll find this workshop incredibly valuable.


In this workshop you will learn:

  • The 3 principles to bone strength in exercise.
  • How bones respond to certain forces and how to use this knowledge to improve bone adaptability.
  • The forces that travel through the knee, hip and lower back in daily life and how to manage them optimally.
  • The forces that travel through the lumbar spine via the hip in daily life and in exercise.
  • How bones absorb force through moving three dimensionally and how to reinforce the spiralling of bones.
  • Learn a new movement sequence to promote bone health at the hip joint (pelvic bone and femur).
  • Reduce the risk of bone injury.

Working With Osteoporosis

8th June 2025


Bones are spiralled, viscoelastic organs that change their behaviour depending on the forces they’re exposed to. Bone strength is the ideal balance between stiffness and flexibility, which is achieved through the living and dynamic material that comprise bone tissue.

The issue is when the strength of bones diminish over time, increasing the risk of injury to the skeletal system.

The key to long term bone health is to know how to optimally engage bones in exercise through certain loading strategies. As bone is a type of connective tissue (similar to fascia), like all connective tissues they can be emphasised through certain styles of movement.

If you work with individuals that suffer with bone weakness or if you struggle with bone related issues, you’ll find this workshop incredibly valuable.

In this workshop you will learn:

  • The 3 principles to bone strength in exercise.
  • How bones respond to certain forces and how to use this knowledge to improve bone adaptability.
  • The forces that travel through the knee, hip and lower back in daily life and how to manage them optimally.
  • The forces that travel through the lumbar spine via the hip in daily life and in exercise.
  • How bones absorb force through moving three dimensionally and how to reinforce the spiralling of bones.
  • Learn a new movement sequence to promote bone health at the hip joint (pelvic bone and femur).
  • Reduce the risk of bone injury.

Strengthen Your Sacroiliac Joint

13th September 2025


The sacroiliac joint is a major area of the pelvis and is vital in it’s role to mediate the interaction between the hips and the spine.

Issues at the sacroiliac are common and the solution isn’t always straightforward when it comes to pain reduction and injury risk.

Luckily there’s now more evidence on how to strengthen the sacroiliac joint which is incredibly important for many suffering with pelvic discomfort.


In this workshop you will learn:

  • Evidence based exercise programming and sequencing to strengthen the sacroiliac joint.
  • How to modify sacroiliac joint exercises where appropriate.
  • A practical and logical understanding why it’s necessary to address every aspect of the pelvis when strengthening the sacroiliac joint.
  • Instantly apply this exercise programme to your own classes or movement/fitness routine.
  • Understand how to help more people with their pelvic issues.
  • Feel much more confident in helping your clients improve pelvic function and health.
Strengthen Your SIJ

Strengthen Your Sacroiliac Joint

13th September 2025


The sacroiliac joint is a major area of the pelvis and is vital in it’s role to mediate the interaction between the hips and the spine.

Issues at the sacroiliac are common and the solution isn’t always straightforward when it comes to pain reduction and injury risk.

Luckily there’s now more evidence on how to strengthen the sacroiliac joint which is incredibly important for many suffering with pelvic discomfort.

In this workshop you will learn:

  • Evidence based exercise programming and sequencing to strengthen the sacroiliac joint.
  • How to modify sacroiliac joint exercises where appropriate.
  • A practical and logical understanding why it’s necessary to address every aspect of the pelvis when strengthening the sacroiliac joint.
  • Instantly apply this exercise programme to your own classes or movement/fitness routine.
  • Understand how to help more people with their pelvic issues.
  • Feel much more confident in helping your clients improve pelvic function and health.

Dynamic Core Control

14th September 2025


If the cure to back pain were to simply engage the core, back issues would be a thing of the past.

In fact, the opposite is true as back pain has rapidly on the rise.

While back pain is a multifactorial issue, having a clearer understanding of the muscles that specialise to stabilise the spine will improve lower back health, strength and stability.


In this workshop you will learn:

  • What are the best evidence based method to train the core muscles for better spine health.
  • How to train with abdominal muscles with consideration to the pelvic floor.
  • The science of diastasis recti, why it happens, how to improve it and it’s connection or lack there of to other health issues such as lower back pain and pelvic floor dysfunction.
  • View the core from a fascial perspective rather than only a muscle perspective and how this will change how your approach to dynamic core training.
  • Why an elastic core is better than a rigid core and how this difference impacts your whole body.
  • Learn to easily test for the core so you know what specific exercises to prescribe your client.
Dynamic Core Control

Dynamic Core Control

14th September 2025


If the cure to back pain were to simply engage the core, back issues would be a thing of the past.

In fact, the opposite is true as back pain has rapidly on the rise.

While back pain is a multifactorial issue, having a clearer understanding of the muscles that specialise to stabilise the spine will improve lower back health, strength and stability.

In this workshop you will learn:

  • What are the best evidence based method to train the core muscles for better spine health.
  • How to train with abdominal muscles with consideration to the pelvic floor.
  • The science of diastasis recti, why it happens, how to improve it and it’s connection or lack there of to other health issues such as lower back pain and pelvic floor dysfunction.
  • View the core from a fascial perspective rather than only a muscle perspective and how this will change how your approach to dynamic core training.
  • Why an elastic core is better than a rigid core and how this difference impacts your whole body.
  • Learn to easily test for the core so you know what specific exercises to prescribe your client.
Book by 30th April 2025 to enjoy additional 10% early bird discount.

1 Workshop

Save $100.00

2 Workshops

Save $300.00

3 Workshops

Save $600.00

4 Workshops


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